E-Commerce website open 24/7! www.flowerdeco.ca
Find the perfect gift for any occasion with the Flower Co. All of our floral arrangements and bouquets are made fresh to order with newly cut flowers. In our catalog you will be able to find the perfect gift for any occasion - birthdays, anniversaries and special holidays. Take advantage of our local calla lilies, roses, & gerbera daisies and allow one of our master florists to design the perfect flower arrangement for you.
Local Florist Experience
At the end of the day what matters when buying flowers or gift baskets online is how the recipient reacts to it, and this is why a local florist is important. Our business is in keeping our customers happy, and we do that by paying attention to detail, offering competitive prices and going the extra mile. Don't settle for missed deliveries and incomplete orders with other companies! The prices on our website reflect demand, season and farm fresh flower cost, so you can expect proper service and lowest possible prices.
E-Commerce website open 24/7! www.flowerdeco.ca